What are your visiting hours?
Visitors are welcome from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Are family members allowed to dine with a resident?
Yes, we encourage family and friends to join residents for meals. A single guest, such as a significant other/spouse or direct family member (sibling, child) may eat free of charge. There is a $7 charge for other guests.
Meals are served at 7 a.m., 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. daily.
Is smoking allowed at Menig?
No, our building and campus are smoke-free.
Are pets allowed at Menig?
Yes, pets are allowed to visit but vaccination documentation must be provided to Menig staff prior to the visit.
Can I take my family member out for the day?
Yes, we strongly encourage family members to take residents out for day trips. You will be required to sign yourself and the resident out and back in again. Please speak with our staff for more details.
When is the salon open?
Our beauty salon is open every Monday or by appointment. The salon offers rinsing, shampooing, and conditioning, as well as cuts and sets, perms, coloring, highlighting, and waxing services. We also offer a nail salon every Wednesday. If you would like more information, including a price list, please speak with a member of our staff.
Do you offer religious services?
Yes, there are several local churches that provide Sunday services for residents. We also hold communion and mass once a month. Please let us know if you’re interested in learning more about these services.
Gifford also has a robust chaplaincy program whose chaplain and volunteers visit residents as needed. You can learn more about Gifford’s Chaplaincy Program here.